Tuesday, July 2, 2013


This is the last of the NIGHTSIDE series by Simon Green, and I hate to disappoint anyone with spoilers.  But we're starting off with the great characters JOHN TAYLOR and his now girl-pal SUSIE SHOTGUN.  They've had a troubled relationship--she's otherwise known as "Oh God it's her, run," and "Just go ahead and shoot yourself, it will be easier." Quite damaged,but slowly making some changes.  JOHN TAYLOR is making some changes, too--he has a new job description now which I absolutely cannot tell you about.

Just get the first one in the series, SOMETHING FROM THE NIGHTSIDE and then start there. It can get really dark at times in this series, but GREEN really balances that with humor. I will say that GREEN makes one wonderful pun. JOHN TAYLOR is a investigator working in the Nightside, and he has a special talent. He can see where anyone is when he opens his third eye, his "private eye." Lovely.

Like most other things in the Nightside, this costs almost too much each time he uses it.  He can see others, but use of his power allows others to see and find him. Neat conundrum.