Saturday, January 22, 2011


I'm enjoying the NIGHTSIDE series so much I'm posting twice on this. John Taylor, the classic noir PI of the seductive and grotesque NIGHTSIDE, enjoys himself greatly in his capers and isn't afraid of the NIGHTSIDE'S evil. GREEN has so much fun that the exposition often gets in the way of the plot, but it really doesn't matter.

In one scene Taylor is waiting for a train and comments, "The platform was crowded, as usual. Half a dozen members of the Tribe of the Gay Barbarians, standing around looking tough with their leathers and long swords, complete with shaved legs, nipple piercings, and heavy face make-up. A silverback gorilla wore an exquisitely cut formal suit, complete with top hat, a cane,and a monocle screwed firmly into one eye. A Gray alien wearing fishnet stockings and suspenders, passing out tracts. And a very polite Chinese demon, sipping hot steaming blood from a thermos. The usual crowd."

It's a typical throwaway line which has nothing to do with the plot, but which I'll chortle over forever. Enjoy. With or without a thermos of hot steaming blood.

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