Monday, March 21, 2011


READ THIS BLOG! Lawyers James Daily and Ryan Davidson, who were interviewed on NPR's All Things Considered today, have created the blog "LAW AND THE MULTIVERSE: Superheroes, supervillains, and the law" to discuss what kind of laws might govern a superpower multiverse. For example, would BATMAN be liable under child abuse laws for endangering ROBIN? No, because both BATMAN and ROBIN are highly trained and experienced, and BATMAN prevents ROBIN from working in really dangerous situations. Does he have to pay ROBIN? No, because he doesn't take payment himself.

And in SMALLVILLE, CLARK gets into trouble when he throws a baddo onto the top of a sheriff's cruiser. He's sentenced to community service. Now the jerk wants to sue CLARK's family for damages. CLARK uses his X-ray vision to see that the "victim" takes off his brace--he's faking it. How they they get that information to the court? In SMALLVILLE this is an important plot point, but Daily and Davidson parse that concern. It is very difficult to fake injuries, they claim, because a person who complains of injury has to be examined by a competent medical examiner.

There are posts on Superhero estate settlement, and whether Superman's heat vision is protected by the Second Amendment, and how "finders-keepers" laws might work for those who get their superpowers from an object (Green Lantern and others.) Very fun.

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